- Stretch a mason’s line to establish the position and angle of the stone steps.
- Mark a cut line onto the stone using a tracer chisel and 3-pound sledgehammer.
- Bore several holes into the stone along the cut line using a pneumatic drill.
- Place feathers and wedges into the holes, then pound in the wedges to split the stone.
- Using long steel bars, rotate stone slab up onto its edge.
- Texture the front edge of the stone using a pneumatic hammer fitted with a four-point carbide-tipped chisel.
- To cut the step thinner, snap the cut line with a chalk reel, then use a pneumatic diamond cut-off saw to slice down into the stone.
- Break off the stone from the waste side of the saw kerf using a hammer and chisel.
- Set stone step into position, allowing a 14-inch-deep tread on the step below.
- To ensure rain and snow drains from the step, pry up the rear of the slab, then pack stone chips underneath so the step pitches forward slightly.