How to Set Up a Mouse Trap

Metal Pedal Mouse Trap

One of the oldest but most effective traps is the metal pedal mouse trap. To set a metal pedal mouse trap:

Kill and Contain Mouse Trap

The kill-and-contain mouse trap is very similar to the metal pedal, but the trap is surrounded by a container. To set it up:

Plastic Mouse Trap

There is a plastic version of the metal pedal mouse trap that is equally as effective. To set this type of trap simply press down on the spring-activated lever and place peanut butter in the bait area. The lever will clamp down on the mouse and kill it.

Electronic Mouse Trap

An electronic mouse trap is battery-powered and can be set along the wall. When the mouse enters the trap, it receives an electric shock powerful enough to kill it.

Live Animal Cage

A live animal cage allows homeowners to lure mice into a cage with food. Instead of killing the animal, however, it just traps the mouse. You can then get rid of the mouse as you see fit.

Tips for Avoiding Mice

To avoid mice in a home, be sure to close any cracks or gaps in the exterior of the house. Use a foam sealant in a crack, cover it with wire cloth and add another layer of sealant. This should form a solid barrier from pests. Smaller gaps can also be covered with steel wool. Mice have a tough time eating through this material. To ward off mice, use a repellent. There are a number of repellents available that give off a smell mice do not like.